R: R: [Openswan Users] VPN on Multiple DLS router

Radek Antoniuk r.antoniuk at pixel.com.pl
Fri Jun 2 17:34:37 CEST 2006

Federico wrote:

>Sorry, what do you mean? I already tried the following (as stated in my
>first post):
>ip rule add from $IP2 table T2
>May be you are using a lan to lan VPN where my config is a road-warrior
>So x.yz is the address of your remote (right) vpn-gw... Am I wrong?
>But I can't do that!! 
>I just would say: everything coming from the public IP of my HDSL-interface
>Go trough my hdsl GW... 
>But how?
>Thank you for your patience!
Maybe this will help.

ip rule add to your_public_ip_hdsl lookup table 100
ip r a default via your_hdsl_gw dev your_hdsl_dev table 100


Best regards,
Radek Antoniuk

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