[Openswan Users] 2.6.24rc1 (klips) UDP 500 Port not released after unloading ipsec module

Sven Schiwek ml-openswan at svenux.de
Sat Oct 31 11:20:26 EDT 2009


I'm currently testing 2.6.24rc1 (klips) on Linux Kernel  
After some days and some Openswan restarts "netstat" shows some open  
UDP 500 Ports (more then 10). To resolve this issue I stopped Openswan  
and unloaded the ipsec module but the port is still in use.

Every time I start Openswan a new UDP 500 port is opened -  
interestingly, the VPN works. Attached you'll find some shell output.  
The first time I unloaded the ipsec module the Kernel crashes but  
unfortunately after the restart I can't reproduce this crash (crash  
attached). I will try to recrash the kernel and analyze the situation...

I hope someone can help. Thanks
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