[Openswan Users] (no subject)

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Fri Sep 12 10:27:15 EDT 2008

On Fri, 12 Sep 2008, Eugenio Vescovi wrote:

>   [lac Eugenio_prova]                            ; Example VPN LAC definition  lns = 141.250.x.x                    ; * Who is our LNS?; lns = lns2.marko.net                    ; * A backup LNS (not yet used)  redial = yes                            ; * Redial if disconnected?; redial timeout = 15                    ; * Wait n seconds between redials; max redials = 5                        ; * Give up after n consecutive failures; hidden bit = yes                        ; * User hidden AVP's?; local ip =                ; * Force peer to use this IP for us; remote ip =                ; * Force peer to use this as their IP; length bit = no                        ; * Use length bit in payload?  require pap = no                        ; * Require PAP auth. by peer  require chap = no                    ; * Require CHAP auth. by peer  refuse pap = yes                        ; * Refuse PAP authentication  refuse chap = yes                        ; * Refuse 
 CHAP authentication  refuse authentication = yes            ; * Refuse authentication altogether; require authentication = no            ; * Require peer to authenticate  name = roadwarrior                            ; * Report this as our hostname; ppp debug = no                        ; * Turn on PPP debugging  pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.lac    ; * ppp options file for this lac; call rws = 10                            ; * RWS for call (-1 is valid); tunnel rws = 4                        ; * RWS for tunnel (must be > 0); flow bit = yes                        ; * Include sequence numbers; challenge = yes                        ; * Challenge authenticate peer 
> I don't want any type of autentication for the moment.

I am not sure if you can do that. You now have refuse chap and pap, so I
don't think xl2tpd can do anything.

> My problem is that, when i try to startup l2tpd daemon with /etc/init.d/xl2tpd start (after creating the required folder /var/run/xl2tpd) NOTING HAPPEN.

Are you sure there are no firewall/forwarding rules in the way?

> I don't know why.I use wireshark to sniffing over eth0, but there are no packets exchanging between client and server when I startup xl2tpd.

Are you actually starting the l2tp client using:

echo "c server" >/var/run/l2tp-control

For working examples see openswan-2.x.y/testing/pluto/l2tp-*


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