[Openswan Users] Space Character in xauthname

Peter Niebling peter at popsel.de
Wed Sep 5 07:01:01 EDT 2007

I need to authenticate using xauth in aggressive mode, other solution blocked by admin.
Usernames are 'Firstname Lastname', following silly company policy.

I can't figure out how to send it, neither with --xauthname, nor via console input.
I tried some escaping and quoting, but nothing worked.

Assuming --xauthname 'Otto Waalkes', output always looks like this:
   XAUTH: Answering XAUTH challenge with user='Otto'

Please help.

Peter Niebling
 * Frauen, die wenig Reize haben, neigen besonders zur Tugendhaftigkeit.
 * -- Pablo Picasso
Post tenebrae lux, post fenestrae ... TUX !

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