[Openswan Users] klips stability & kernel versions

Chris Haumesser chris at osafoundation.org
Fri Jul 7 22:58:15 CEST 2006

Andy Gay wrote:
> Can you explain that? What's a 'full release'?

I was wondering the same thing...  When they abandoned the even/odd
numbering system I lost track of the kernel revision taxonomy.

Paul Wouters wrote:
> Most of the unstability comes from changes to the kernel, not changes in
> Openswan userland or KLIPS.

Sure.  Keeping up with kernel changes these days is challenging for all
of us.  Would it be possible to add a header to the top of the KLIPS
patches, to specify what kernel they're tracking?  Or is this already in
a doc I missed?

> A lot of our production servers are now based on xen, and we are running 2.6.11-xenu
> on those. But we also have 2.6.12 kernels from FC3 with NETKEY, and 2.4.32. The
> daily regression test currently uses Some of our own embedded VPN devices
> run 2.6.12.

Thanks for this information, Paul.  I'll experiment with 2.6.11 and
2.6.12 and see if one of them solves my problems.


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