[Openswan Users] RE: 'Virtual IP xxx is already used by' issue

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Wed Jul 5 21:29:32 CEST 2006

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Mike.Peters at opengi.co.uk wrote:

> > http://lists.openswan.org/pipermail/users/2006-May/009487.html
> >
> > Most of the bugs related to the Virtual IP handling though, have
> > already been folded back into #public, which is the GIT version of our
> > old "CVS HEAD", aka the unstable development bleeding edge.
> > No releases
> > of Openswan-2.5.x (or perhaps we will call it Openswan-3.x) have been
> > made yet. But I do not think the overlapip=yes option is there. See
> > the above link why that is.
> >
> I am not currently using L2TP. Will 2.5.x (or 3.x) allow this to work
> without using L2TP or does the above imply that you must use L2TP for
> multiple home users with duplicate IP addresses?

I believe that it should work fine for tunnel mode, and that those bugs
should have been resolved in #public, but since public is so much in
flux due to other commit(ments), we have not done any testing for this.
The changes from public to 2.4.x are so large, that we will not backport
them to 2.4.x.

> Also, was this working in older versions of OpenSwan (2.2.x)? The reason
> I ask is that I wasn't sure if the issue has appeared due to upgrading
> OpenSwan or whether it has just come to light due to an increased volume
> of users.

AFAIK, the issue has always been there. Though NETKEY might work slightly
better then KLIPS when using tunnel mode.

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