[Openswan Users] l2tp/ipsec - ipsec ok, but no connection

Brian T btuch at usa.net
Sat Aug 12 04:06:04 EDT 2006

Hi Adam,

> I try to do l2tp/ipsecc connection between my home WinXP SP2pc and work network.
> 81.168.163.SS  --->  81.168.163.CC   --->

If the tunnel is coming up, thant thats good.  You need to :

1. have l2tp setup to listen on an internal interface on your remote network, and be setup 
to use chap user/passwrd and hand out an IP address.

2. Add an iptables rule in the prerouting section simular to this :

Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 3555K packets, 244M bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
   27  3595 DNAT       udp  --  ipsec0 *            udp 
spt:1701 dpt:1701 to:

This way l2tp packets coming in on ipsec0 get prerouted over to the internal interface, 
which is where the l2tpd should be listening.


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