[Openswan Users] also= order requirement in 2.4.5?

Trevor Benson tbenson at a-1networks.com
Wed Apr 26 08:52:07 CEST 2006

Is there an order requirement in 2.4.5 for using the also= statement?  I
created some generic entries outside of default the other day for sites
and roadwarriors.  So my file was modified like

Conn %default

Conn sites
    More blah

Conn roadwarrior
    Another blah

Conn one
    Private blah

Conn two
    Private2 blah

This cause my system to not bring up a single tunnel, no errors though,
at least with klips and Pluto not debugging.  Now once I tried to bring
up a tunnel, it was not defined.  So I tried ipsec auto --up one and got
an error that conn sites was invalid.  Thinking about it and having it
be the first connection entry, I decided to move it to the end of the
file below conn one and conn two.  Now all of a suddent all the sites
add properly and do not error.

Will I be required to do the same with any inheritable connection like
roadwarrior and roadwarrior-l2tp, and make sure they are below any other
connection that wants to use an also= line to include them?


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