[Openswan Users] Roadwarrior Configuration

Trevor Hennion trevor-os at thennion.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 22 08:00:35 CET 2005

On Tuesday 22 Mar 2005 02:06, Glenn MacGregor wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry for all the posts...I am trying to get a road warrior setup. Floowing
> the instructions I found, I set the linux server config and got the
> ipsec.exe on windows. Setting the config on windows and running ipsec on
> windows works fine. I can ping the inside interface of the openswan box
> (linux). This is great! Getting there!
> Now, I am having problems accessing the rest of the network. I can not ping
> anything else on the network. I assume this has to do with routing
> somehow...but I can't figure how.
> When I IPSec into the linux box as a roadwarrior from windows I assume that
> openswan has to give that tunnel an ip in the local network, is this
> correct? This doesn't seem to be happening.
> Any help would be great.
> Thanks
> Glenn MacGregor
> HighStreet Networks


Straight IPSec does not give you an IP address from the local network.
For example I connect from my desktop with IP via an office IPSec 
gateway with a routable address to a system in the office, and the connection 
is from The office system also has a routeable address.
All the systems involved have to have unique IP addresses, so that routing can 
succeed. The office IPSec gateway has proxy_arp set so that the other office 
systems get to know where to send their return data for 
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/proxy_arp


Trevor Hennion

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