[Openswan Users] Openswan + l2tp - Client can't connect

Jacco de Leeuw jacco2 at dds.nl
Mon Jan 31 18:34:39 CET 2005

Ranieri Oliveira wrote:

> I made pass-the-pass of whom I made to install and to configure
> openswan+l2tpd and I would like that they gave one looked at in that
> he can be wrong.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. So I will move on to
the configuration and the error messages.

> wget http://www.l2tpd.org/downloads/l2tpd-0.69.tar.gz

Although this is the most recent version on the website, it is actually
an old version. I have accumulated some extra patches which are available
on my homepage. A (probably even better) alternative is the version used
by Debian: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/l2tpd.html

> conn L2TP-PSK-orgWIN2KXP
>         authby=secret

When you use NAT it is better to use certificates.

>         pfs=no
>         left=
>         leftprotoport=17/0

When you use NAT this should be 17/1701.

> Jan 30 22:46:10 darkstar pluto[655]: packet from
The send port is not 500. So something or somebody is doing NAT. But your
configuration does not support it.

Jacco de Leeuw                         mailto:jacco2 at dds.nl
Zaandam, The Netherlands           http://www.jacco2.dds.nl

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