[Openswan Users] 2 certificates on the same PC

foren titze foren.titze at gmx.net
Tue Nov 2 10:28:01 CET 2004

I know that I can write to you in german, so:

Ja, es ist richtig das "my Computer" der Windows PC ist.
Ich habe beide Zertifikate, die unterschiedliche CA haben, importiert.

Nun nimmt er das Zertifikat, welches oben in der Liste steht, als das einzige 
an und versucht damit eine Verbindung zum Arbeitsplatz per l2tp aufzubauen.
Der Ipsec/l2tp server verweigert die Verbindung, weil er das Subject des 
Zertifikates nicht kennt.


Am Montag, 1. November 2004 23:00 schrieben Sie:
> Foren Titze wrote:
> > im using an IPSEC Tunnel with X509 Certs to the LAN on my workplace.
> > now i would use another different cert for my internet connection in my
> > university per wlan.
> >
> > when i try to establish the connection to my workplace, the ppp-l2tpd
> > connection uses the false cert.
> > how can i tell my computer to use the other cert?
> >
> > i use windows xp SP2
> I assume that with "my computer" you are referring to the Windows box,
> not the Openswan server. And either the connection to your workplace or
> the one to your university works, but not both. One of them does not
> work.
> Are you sure that the server is using a certificate that has been issued
> by the exact same CA that issued the second client certificate?
> Perhaps you could try the following ipsec.conf option:
> leftsendcert=always
> Jacco

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