[Openswan Users] Why I need to run “ipsec auto –up” both on left and on right?

Michael Furman michael_furman at hotmail.com
Mon May 2 04:49:54 EDT 2016

Hi all,

According to the instruction: “To bring up the tunnel, issue the following command as root, on both left and right hosts: ipsec auto --up mytunnel”https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Security_Guide/Host-To-Host_VPN_Using_Openswan.html But why I need to run “ipsec auto –up” both on left and on right?I see that it is enough to run “ipsec auto –up” only on one side and it launch tunnel on both sides. service ipsec statusIPsec running  - pluto pid: 12149pluto pid 121491 tunnels up Also, I can test that the tunnel is up: IP > ESP(spi=0x5b499423,seq=0x1), length 132IP > ESP(spi=0x32de4962,seq=0x1), length 132 If I run “ipsec auto –up” on other side I see that 2 tunnels are launched. service ipsec statusIPsec running  - pluto pid: 12149pluto pid 121492 tunnels up  I do not think that 2 channels on the same IPs is the correct configuration. Is it enough to run “ipsec auto –up” only on one side?

Or I miss something? 		 	   		  
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