[Openswan Users] Move to Inbox More 1 of 65 [openswan users] I have some problem about ping from pc1 to pc2 in vpn site2site tunnel mode.thanks

xue tao xuetao325 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 07:55:52 EDT 2016

hi nick,
  As you mentioned I add leftsourceip = localprivateip, and captured data
on ONT1's wan interface:

08:49:40.752859 IP >
ESP(spi=0x9562ea8a,seq=0x18), length 100
08:49:40.754909 IP >
ESP(spi=0x14d1c2dd,seq=0x18), length 100
08:49:40.755230 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 1,
seq 408, length 40

 I issue a ping from to and have saw a ICMP
echo replay.
 It's closer to achievement. The last step is forward this echo reply to my
 Should iptables rule can do this? or ONT1 lack of function?
 I am very looking forward to your response! thank you very much again!

On 23 June 2016 at 15:07, Nick Howitt <nick at howitts.co.uk> wrote:

> Replying to the list as well - please can you.
> That is by and large an l2tp set-up. If you don't want an l2tp set-up,
> remove the protoport. I'd also remove left/rightid. Is right
> or dynamic? If it is don't use %any, use
> the IP. If it is dynamic, make sure you have %any in ipsec secrets.
> To allow server-server comms you need to specify left/rightsourceip in the
> local conn (so leftsourceip on the left machine) specifying the remote's
> source IP is OK to give you a portable conn but otherwise achieves nothing.
> On 23/06/2016 07:20, xue tao wrote:
>> hi,
>>  This is my environment, when site2site tunnel up we found ppp0 on each
>> end. ONT2 is vpn server.
>> pc1(eth0:   <------------> (eth1:
>>                                                  ONT1 (eth0:
>> (ppp0:
>>                <=======VPN TUNNEL========>
>>           (ppp0:
>> ONT2  (eth0:
>>            (eth1: <----------->(eht0:
>> Here is ONT1 ipsec.conf:
>> [root at AONT: admin]# cat /etc/ipsec.conf
>> version    2.0    # conforms to second version of ipsec.conf specification
>> config setup
>>     nat_traversal=yes
>>     oe=off
>>     protostack=netkey
>>     plutostderrlog=/tmp/vpnerr.log
>>     plutoopts="--interface=eth0"
>> conn L2TP-PSK
>>     authby=secret
>>     pfs=no
>>     auto=add
>>     keyingtries=3
>>     dpddelay=30
>>     dpdtimeout=120
>>     dpdaction=Restart
>>     rekey=yes
>>     ikelifetime=8h
>>     keylife=1h
>>     type=tunnel
>>     left=
>>     leftnexthop=%defaultroute
>>     leftprotoport=17/1701
>>     leftsubnet= <>
>>     right=
>>     rightprotoport=17/1701
>>     rightsubnet= <>
>> And this is ONT2's:
>> conn L2TP-PSK-NAT
>>     rightsubnet=vhost:%priv
>>     also=L2TP-PSK-noNAT
>> conn L2TP-PSK
>>      authby=secret
>>      pfs=no
>>      keyingtries=3
>>      dpddelay=30
>>      dpdtimeout=120
>>      dpdaction=clear
>>      rekey=yes
>>      ikelifetime=8h
>>      keylife=8h
>>      type=tunnel
>> # Replace %any below with your local IP address (private, behind NAT IP
>> is okay as well)
>>      left=
>>      leftsubnet= <>
>>      #leftnexthop=%defaultroute
>>      leftid=
>>      leftprotoport=17/1701
>> # Replace IP address with your VPN server's IP
>>      right=%any
>>      rightsubnet= <>
>>      rightid=
>>      rightprotoport=17/1701
>>      auto=add
>> When the tunnel setup, I check route on ONT1:
>> [root at AONT: vtadmin]# route -n
>> Kernel IP routing table
>> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
>> Iface
>>         UG    0 0        0 eth0
>>   U     0 0        0 eht0
>>   U     0 0        0 eht1
>> UH    0 0        0 ppp0
>> There is no route to <>, maybe it is
>> the reason I can't ping from pc1 to pc2?
>> Another situation is when setup end2end tunnel I capture esp ping packet
>> from ONT1 to ONT2; and when setup site2site tunnel I only capture plain
>> text ping packet from ONT1 to ONT2, is this correct?
>> On 22 June 2016 at 23:36, Nick Howitt <nick at howitts.co.uk <mailto:
>> nick at howitts.co.uk>> wrote:
>>     Can you the post your updated ipsec.conf?
>>     On 2016-06-22 16:19, xuetao325 wrote:
>>         It's none sense of l2tp configuration. I was also connected
>>         subnet/subnet with netkey/psk. I just wonder which iptables
>>         rules will
>>         needed except ones auto-configed by openswan. In my opinion
>>         last month
>>         it shoud works fine after modifed ipsec.conf :)
>>         Sent from my Mi phone
>>         On Jun 22, 2016 7:50 PM, Nick Howitt <nick at howitts.co.uk
>>         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>> wrote:
>>             Sorry, but I was only trying to sort out the basic
>>             firewalling which
>>             was
>>             needed. I know nothing about L2TP configurations, only
>>             subnet/subnet
>>             with netkey/psk, so I can't take you an further.
>>             Nick
>>             On 2016-06-22 12:25, xue tao wrote:
>>                 hi nick,
>>                 I load xt_policy success and try some iptables and
>>                 route below,
>>             it
>>                 does not works yet.
>>                 step 1:
>>                 When vpn tunnel setup, I changed iptables about "-o "
>>                 from eth4
>>             to
>>                 ppp0 on ONT1:
>>                 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth4 -s
>>        <> [1]
>>             [3] -j
>>                 MASQUERADE
>>                 ---> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -s
>>        <>
>>             [1] [3]
>>                 -j MASQUERADE
>>                 This step was reserve from end-to-end transport mode. In
>>             end-to-end I
>>                 can ping from PC1 to ONT2(vpn server) as this iptables
>>                 rule
>>             changes.
>>                 step 2:
>>                 So I add farside subnet via ppp0 route :
>>                 route add -net <>
>>                 [2] [2] ppp0
>>                 Then PC1 can ping PC2 but the packets was plain text,
>>                 not ESP
>>                 packets.this time I load xt_policy and added iptables :
>>                 iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -m policy --dir out
>>                 --pol ipsec
>>             -j
>>                 ACCEPT
>>                 The ping packets I dump from ONT2 still plain. then I
>>                 think the
>>                 route maybe wrong,so:
>>                 route del -net <>
>>                 [2] [2]
>>                 oops, the ping packets has no response.
>>                 step 3:
>>                 Add the new iptables:
>>                 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s
>>                 <> [1] [3] -d
>>        <> [2] [2] -j ACCEPT
>>                 No response,
>>                 After I delete iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -m
>>                 policy --dir
>>             out
>>                 --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT. ping still has no response.
>>                 Should I miss some iptables rules? or other aspects
>>                 like config
>>             file,
>>                 the environment or topology? from this issue
>> http://serverfault.com/questions/635012/why-are-only-3-ip-xfrm-policies-needed-for-a-ipsec-tunnel
>>             [3]
>>                 [8]
>>                 It seem xfrm policy is ok. I am so confuse with
>>                 subnet2subnet and
>>                 don't know how to check it?
>>                 On 21 June 2016 at 21:09, Nick Howitt
>>                 <nick at howitts.co.uk <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>> wrote:
>>                     Actually you can use your original iptables rule
>>                     but just change
>>             "-j
>>                     SNAT --to site-A-Public-IP" to "-j ACCEPT". I
>>                     prefer the policy
>>                     approach as you don't need to specify the subnets
>>                     but either
>>             should
>>                     work.
>>                     On 21/06/2016 10:31, xue tao wrote:
>>                         hi
>>                         I have check ./net/netfilter/xt_policy.c,
>>                         there is no object
>>                         file. so I add
>>                         CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_POLICY into kernel
>>                         config and xt_policy.c will be make.
>>                         Now i was compiling the image and examine it
>>                         later. Hope this
>>                         mod will be load success. I will be in touch
>>                         with you. thanks!
>>                         On 21 June 2016 at 16:08, Nick Howitt
>>                         <nick at howitts.co.uk <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>>> wrote:
>>                         I'd be very surprised if the target ACCEPT did
>>                         not exist but
>>                         have
>>                         no idea how to check. It should be one of the
>>                         iptables
>>                         default
>>                         targets. Can you check the policy module is
>>                         loaded: "lsmod |
>>                         grep
>>                         policy"? It should return something with
>>                         "xt_policy" in it.
>>                         If it
>>                         does not, please do a "modprobe xt_policy"
>>                         then try the
>>                         iptables
>>                         rule again.
>>                         On 21/06/2016 08:51, xue tao wrote:
>>                         hi nickļ¼Œ
>>                         I'm very glad to see your response. I type this
>>                         iptables
>>                         command into ONT1:
>>                         [root at AONT: admin]# iptables -t nat -I
>>                         POSTROUTING -m
>>                         policy --dir out --pol ipsec -j ACCEPT
>>                         iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
>>                         This maybe lack of several kernel
>>                         configuration. so I
>>                         turn
>>                         on some kernel config about IPSEC/ESP/AH and
>>                         so on. but
>>                         this
>>                         prompt still exist.
>>                         The attachment is my kernel configuration about
>>                         netfilter.
>>                         Please let me know if i was in wrong
>>                         road.thanks very
>>                         much.
>>                         # Core Netfilter Configuration
>>                         CONFIG_NF_CT_PROTO_ESP=y
>>                         CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPSEC=y
>>                         # Xtables matches
>>                         CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_ESP=y
>>                         CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_IPSEC=y
>>                         # IP: Netfilter Configuration
>>                         CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_AH=y
>>                         CONFIG_NF_NAT_IPSEC=y
>>                         In the end to end mode, I deply this commands
>>                         and it work
>>                         iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -s
>>                         <> [4] [1]
>>                         < [4] [1]>
>>                         < [4] [1]> -j
>>                         MASQUERADE
>>                         iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth4 -s
>>                         <> [4] [1]
>>                         < [4] [1]>
>>                         < [4] [1]> -j
>>                         MASQUERADE
>>                         so I reserve this commands in site to site
>>                         mode. and all
>>                         my
>>                         iptables command is only this two.
>>                         I don't know whether impacts our packets.
>>                         another questions is:
>>                         From command (ip xfrm policy) i found that dir
>>                         in/dir
>>                         out/dir
>>                         forward were assigned properly, Is this not
>>                         enough for
>>                         issuing
>>                         a ping from PC1 to PC2?
>>                         is this command(route add -net
>>                         <> [2] [2]
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         ppp0) necessary? i think this route make
>>                         packet forwarding
>>                         on l2tp
>>                         tunnel directly instead of vpn tunnel.
>>                         On 20 June 2016 at 23:25, Nick Howitt
>>                         <nick at howitts.co.uk <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>>
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk
>>                         <mailto:nick at howitts.co.uk>>>> wrote:
>>                         I would not SNAT traffic unless specifically
>>                         required. Try:
>>                         iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -m policy --dir out
>>                         --pol ipsec
>>                         -j ACCEPT
>>                         Nick
>>                         On 20/06/2016 13:48, xue tao wrote:
>>                         Hi,
>>                         my network configurationis :
>>                         private subnet
>>                         <> [1] [3]
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]> private subnet
>>                <> [2] [2]
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         PC1 ------ ONT1 <========IPSEC
>>                         TUNNEL=========>
>>                         ONT2 ------- PC2
>>                <tel:> [5] [4]
>>                         <tel: [5] [4]>
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5] [4]
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5]
>>                         [4]>> [6]
>>                         i am setting up a ipsec tunnel on ONT1 and ONT2,
>>                         and this
>>                         tunnel seems had setup, on ONT1 i can saw:
>>                         [root at AONT: admin]# ipsec --version
>>                         Linux Openswan U2.6.38/K3.4.11-rt19 (netkey)
>>                         [root at AONT: admin]# ipsec setup status
>>                         IPsec running - pluto pid: 6676
>>                         pluto pid 6676
>>                         1 tunnels up
>>                         some eroutes exist
>>                         [root at AONT: admin]# ip xfrm policy
>>                         src <> [1]
>>                         [3] < [1]
>>                         [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]> dst
>>                <> [2]
>>                         [2]
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]> proto udp
>>                         sport 1701 dport 1701
>>                         dir out priority 2344
>>                         tmpl src <tel:>
>>                         [5] [4]
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5] [4]>
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5]
>>                         [4] <tel: [5] [4]>> dst
>>                [6]
>>                         proto esp reqid 16385 mode tunnel
>>                         src <> [2]
>>                         [2] < [2]
>>                         [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]> dst
>>                <> [1]
>>                         [3]
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]> proto udp
>>                         sport 1701 dport 1701
>>                         dir fwd priority 2344
>>                         tmpl src [6] dst
>>                [5]
>>                         [4]
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5] [4]>
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5]
>>                         [4] <tel: [5] [4]>>
>>                         proto esp reqid 16385 mode tunnel
>>                         src <> [2]
>>                         [2] < [2]
>>                         [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]> dst
>>                <> [1]
>>                         [3]
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]> proto udp
>>                         sport 1701 dport 1701
>>                         dir in priority 2344
>>                         tmpl src [6] dst
>>                [5]
>>                         [4]
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5] [4]>
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5]
>>                         [4] <tel: [5] [4]>>
>>                         proto esp reqid 16385 mode tunnel
>>                         src ::/0 dst ::/0
>>                         socket out priority 0
>>                         and here is my ipsec.conf
>>                         version 2.0 # conforms to second version of
>>                         ipsec.conf
>>                         specification
>>                         config setup
>>                         nat_traversal=yes
>>                         oe=off
>>                         protostack=netkey
>>                         plutostderrlog=/tmp/vpnerr.log
>>                         plutoopts="--interface=eth4"
>>                         conn L2TP-PSK
>>                         authby=secret
>>                         pfs=no
>>                         auto=add
>>                         keyingtries=3
>>                         dpddelay=30
>>                         dpdtimeout=120
>>                         dpdaction=Restart
>>                         rekey=yes
>>                         ikelifetime=8h
>>                         keylife=1h
>>                         type=tunnel
>>                         left= <tel:> [5]
>>                         [4] <tel: [5]
>>                         [4]>
>>                         <tel: <tel:> [5]
>>                         [4] <tel: [5] [4]>>
>>                         leftnexthop=%defaultroute
>>                         leftprotoport=17/1701
>>                         leftsubnet=
>>                         <> [1] [3]
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         < [1] [3]>
>>                         right= [6]
>>                         rightprotoport=17/1701
>>                         rightsubnet=
>>                         <> [2] [2]
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         Then I can not access to 192.168.5.x, and i
>>                         follow some
>>                         documents from internet adding iptables likes:
>>                         iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s
>>                         site-A-private-subnet -d
>>                         site-B-private-subnet -j SNAT --to
>>                         site-A-Public-IP
>>                         but it does not works. when i add route from my
>>                         workmates:
>>                         route add -net
>>                         <> [2] [2]
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]>
>>                         < [2] [2]> ppp0
>>                         I can ping 192.168.5.x ,but the tcpdump data on
>>                         ONT2
>>                         was not
>>                         ESP, only ICMP packets. So this is not the
>>                         correct ways.
>>                         Should I add other iptables or route to allow PC1
>>                         ping
>>                         PC2?
>>                         Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!
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