[Openswan Users] Loss problems with OpenSwan

Cristian Petrescu cristian.petrescu at telemaxvoice.ro
Wed Apr 9 05:15:14 EDT 2014

Hello Nick,
   Thank you for your answer. I have to keep the private IP on both 
hosts. Considering what you've told me, I will eliminate lo:0 and assign 
the IP to a free network card on HOST2. I will also add 
left/rightsourceip. I will have to wait few days to see if this has 
solved the issue.

Best regards,
On 09/04/2014 11:37, Nick Howitt wrote:
> Rather than your "subnets" set up have you considered doing a more 
> usual simple left/rightsubnet and adding a left/rightsourceip 
> (probably and Then remove the HOST1 assignment 
> to lo:0?
> Nick
> On 2014-04-09 09:15, Cristian Petrescu wrote:
>> Dear Users,
>>    I've been using OpenSwan CentOS 6.4 ( 2.6.32-358.2.1.el6.x86_64 ) for some time, it works well but from time to time we start experiencing around 2-3% loss on the connection. If we restart both openswan ends the loss goes away, I wasn't able to determine when and why the loss occurs. I've checked /var/log/secure and there isn't anything happening out of normal. I've had problems in the past with ksoftirqd reaching 100% but after setting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/xfrm4_gc_thresh to 100 and installing irqbalance that ksoftirqd was solved. Please help me solve this issue, below is the configuration:
>> HOST2:
>> # /etc/ipsec.conf - Openswan IPsec configuration file
>> #
>> # Manual:     ipsec.conf.5
>> #
>> # Please place your own config files in /etc/ipsec.d/ ending in .conf
>> version 2.0     # conforms to second version of ipsec.conf specification
>> # basic configuration
>> config setup
>>          protostack=netkey
>>          virtual_private=%v4:
>>          oe=off
>>          nhelpers=0
>> conn host1host2
>>          dpdaction=restart_by_peer
>>          dpdtimeout=60
>>          dpddelay=10
>>          left=<host2 public ip>
>>          leftsubnets={,<host2 public ip>/32}
>>          leftid=@host2  <mailto:leftid=@host2>
>>          leftnexthop=%defaultroute
>>          right=<host1 public ip>
>>          rightsubnets={,<host1 public ip>/32}
>>          rightid=@host1  <mailto:rightid=@host1>
>>          rightnexthop=%defaultroute
>>          auto=start
>>          authby=secret
>>          type=tunnel
>> On HOST2, is assigned to lo:0
>> On HOST1, is assigned to a network interface that is gateway for the equipments in that network in order to reach
>> HOST2 and HOST1 have the same ipsec.conf configuration.
>> Best regards,
>> Cristi
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