[Openswan Users] Openswan does not appear to create the correct routes on both sides

Paul Young paul at arkig.com
Fri Sep 20 08:39:51 UTC 2013

Hi Nick,

Yes the new office appears to create the correct xfrm policies\routing info.

Part of the complexity here would be that the new office has no permanent
IP or infrastructure. So the path looks like this from new to old

server running Openswan in new office------------->Asus router\switch N55U
running DHCP etc------------>4G dongle acting as modem for the
Asus--------------->INTERNET-------------->outside NIC of server running
Openswan in old office.

>From what I can tell there is some machinations going on within the 4G
dongle so that nmap against the internet routable address the dongle comes
up with always returns "all 1000 scanned ports on <address blah> are
filtered" - which could be making things difficult.

So today I played some more (I will try your suggestions on the weekend
though) with these configs-

new office side:

conn newoffice
        leftnexthop=%defaultroute <- the ASUS router
        right=<outside address of old office>

new office side:

conn oldoffice
        # Using the magic port of "0" means "any one single port". This is
        # a work around required for Apple OSX clients that use a randomly
        # high port, but propose "0" instead of their port. Could also be
        left=<outside address of old office>
        leftnexthop=<outside address of old office next hop>
        # Apple iOS doesn't send delete notify so we need dead peer
        # to detect vanishing clients

In this case once I created a static route on my workstation like so:

Network Destination        Netmask          Gateway       Interface  Metric     11

I was able to ping anything on the subnet in the old office.

BUT - if I add more subnets to see the networks that are currently
configured as site to site connections in the old office I am unable to see
those in terms of ping and connectivity.


On 19 September 2013 17:25, Nick Howitt <n1ck.h0w1tt at gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> In conn current your leftsubnet should be a leftsubnets to match the
> rightsubnets. While right is not fixed, you may want to try %any but you
> will have to use the same psk as your roadwarriors. You will also want DPD
> with dpdaction=clear for when the remote IP changes. I also prefer pfs=yes
> (or remove it). I don't think any of these issues are causing your problem,
> however, as you are getting your tunnels.
> Can you ping between the two Openswan devices?
> In your new office, does your gateway device have routes redirecting
> traffic, and via
> 1192.168.3.3?
> I'd need to check firewalling when I'm at home. Is "new" running a
> firewall. Presumably it is just a standalone PC on the "new" LAN.
> Nick
> On 2013-09-19 02:45, Paul Young wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for the response. I have confused the situation as you have
> suggested.
> So now my configs looks like this:
> In the current office Openswan (one interface connects directly to the
> outside world)-
>  conn current
>         authby=secret
>         left=<my fixed internet IP>
>         leftid=@current
>         leftnexthop=<my fixed internet IP next hop>
>         leftsubnet=
>         leftsourceip=
>         right=<non fixed IP of the new office router>
>         rightsubnets= { }
>         type=tunnel
>         auto=start
>         pfs=no
>         ikelifetime=86400s
>         salifetime=28800s
> note that the new office does not have a fixed IP address (it will in the
> future, but people are moving in before the carrier has that ready)
> The current config of the new office-
>  conn new
>         authby=secret
>         left=
>         leftid=@new
>         leftnexthop=%defaultroute
>         leftsourceip=
>         leftsubnet=
>         right=<my fixed internet IP of current office>
>         rightsubnets={}
>         type=tunnel
>         auto=start
>         pfs=no
>         salifetime=28800s
>         ikelifetime=86400s
> So far I can bring up the new office tunnel but can't ping anything on the
> other side.
>  000 initiating all conns with alias='new'
> 104 "new/0x3" #25: STATE_MAIN_I1: initiate
> 003 "new/0x3" #25: received Vendor ID payload [Openswan (this version)
> 2.6.32 ]
> 003 "new/0x3" #25: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
> 003 "new/0x3" #25: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947] method set to=109
> 106 "new/0x3" #25: STATE_MAIN_I2: sent MI2, expecting MR2
> 003 "new/0x3" #25: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal):
> both are NATed
> 108 "new/0x3" #25: STATE_MAIN_I3: sent MI3, expecting MR3
> 003 "new/0x3" #25: received Vendor ID payload [CAN-IKEv2]
> 004 "new/0x3" #25: STATE_MAIN_I4: ISAKMP SA established
> {auth=OAKLEY_PRESHARED_KEY cipher=aes_128 prf=oakley_sha group=modp2048}
> 117 "new/0x1" #26: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate
> 117 "new/0x2" #27: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate
> 117 "new/0x3" #28: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate
> 004 "new/0x1" #26: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel
> mode {ESP=>0x28d68261 <0x554dc93f xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none
> NATD=<my fixed internet IP of current office>:4500 DPD=none}
> 004 "new/0x2" #27: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel
> mode {ESP=>0x0021555f <0xa7d4a5fb xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none
> NATD=<my fixed internet IP of current office>:4500 DPD=none}
> 004 "new/0x3" #28: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel
> mode {ESP=>0xb1e4e80f <0xa82a3d85 xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none
> NATD=<my fixed internet IP of current office>:4500 DPD=none}
>  I can't bring up the tunnel from the current office to the new office
> though - I suspect IPtables might be involved there but am not sure as I
> would of thought these rules would be fine which are in place for road
> runner types:
>  -A INPUT -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
> and on the new office side I have
>  -A INPUT -p udp --dport 500 -s <my fixed internet IP of current
> office> -j ACCEPT
> -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4500 -s <my fixed internet IP of current
> office> -j ACCEPT
> Thanks for trying to help me here.
> Paul
> On 18 September 2013 22:25, Nick Howitt <n1ck.h0w1tt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Your server and aconns do not match at all. I would rename the server
>> connto something like roadwarrior and move some of the settings into conn
>> %default - the ones which would apply to every conn such as left,
>> leftnexthop (probably not needed) possibly pfs and auto and add
>> leftsourceip (the server's LAN IP). Create a new conn which you could call
>> aconn if you wanted. The server's aconn should pretty much match the
>> remote's aconn with left and right reversed. (Generally wou don't need to
>> reverse left and right at each end but the use of conn %default means you
>> must). I would also suggest enabling PFS for aconn.
>> On 2013-09-18 09:49, Paul Young wrote:
>>  Hi Everyone,
>> I am in the deep end with Openswan and possibly the following will show
>> that. Apologies!
>> So far I have been relying heavily on this -
>> http://www.jacco2.dds.nl/networking/openswan-l2tp.html
>> A little bit of background first. We have a just opened a new office and
>> not all the infrastructure is in place as yet.
>> So the idea is to use a site to site VPN back to the current office so
>> that all resources can be reached.
>> There is a server acting as the openswan VPN\gateway etc in both offices
>> - current office and new office.
>> The current office has a number of site to site configs already in place
>> to third parties. I have configured a server side which looks like this:
>>  *conn server*
>> *        authby=secret*
>> *        pfs=no*
>> *        auto=add*
>> *        keyingtries=3*
>> *        type=transport*
>> *        forceencaps=yes*
>> *        right=%any*
>> *        #rightsubnet=vhost:%priv,%no*
>> *        rightprotoport=17/%any*
>> *        # Using the magic port of "0" means "any one single port". This
>> is*
>> *        # a work around required for Apple OSX clients that use a
>> randomly*
>> *        # high port, but propose "0" instead of their port. Could also
>> be 17/%any*
>> *        left=<my outside fixed IP address>*
>> *        leftnexthop=<my outside fixed IP address next hop>*
>> *        leftprotoport=17/1701*
>> *        # Apple iOS doesn't send delete notify so we need dead peer
>> detection*
>> *        # to detect vanishing clients*
>> *        dpddelay=10*
>> *        dpdtimeout=90*
>> *        dpdaction=clear*
>> behind that is some ppp and xl2tp settings that work well for some of our
>> remote types. but I am looking at pure Ipsec at this point.
>> In the new office I have set up a conn like this:
>>  *conn aconn*
>> *        authby=secret*
>> *        left=*
>> *        #left=%any*
>> *        leftid=@vpn*
>> *        leftnexthop=%defaultroute*
>> *        leftsourceip=*
>> *        leftsubnet=*
>> *        right=**<my outside fixed IP address>*
>> *        rightsubnets={}*
>> *        type=tunnel*
>> *        auto=start*
>> *        pfs=no*
>> *        salifetime=28800s*
>> *        ikelifetime=86400s*
>> It sits behind a router so left is the local interface. And the subnets
>> are back in the current office.
>> It comes up ok:
>>  *# service ipsec status*
>> *IPsec running  - pluto pid: 11869*
>> *pluto pid 11869*
>> *3 tunnels up*
>> *some eroutes exist*
>> I see the routes come up ok on the new office side:
>>  *# ip xfrm policy*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir out priority 2336 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16385 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir fwd priority 2336 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16385 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir in priority 2336 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16385 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir out priority 2340 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16389 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir fwd priority 2340 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16389 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir in priority 2340 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16389 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir out priority 2344 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir fwd priority 2344 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel*
>> *src dst*
>> *        dir in priority 2344 ptype main*
>> *        tmpl src dst*
>> *                proto esp reqid 16393 mode tunnel*
>> Can't ping anything back in the current office from the new office even
>> though I can see encapsulated traffic going across at the time of my ping -
>> nothing comes back.
>> I also don't see anything being created in the xfrm policy for the
>> current office and if I add a rightsubnet(s) line to the current office
>> config then the road runners types can't connect.
>> Is what I am trying to do even possible?
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
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