[Openswan Users] Debug level for xfrm policy changes

Giovanni Carbone G.Carbone at reitek.com
Thu Jun 20 15:23:08 UTC 2013

Thanks but all I’ve got is just a lot of lines like the following one:

Unknown message: 00000096 0x0000001e 0x00000000

Am I doing something wrong?

Besides that I think I’ve got the same issue described here (although I’m not able to replicate it at will): https://www.openswan.org/issues/1334
I’m using openswan 2.6.38 on a centos 5.9 x86_64.

Best regards,


From: Leto [mailto:letoams at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:06 PM
To: Giovanni Carbone
Cc: users at openswan.org
Subject: Re: [Openswan Users] Debug level for xfrm policy changes

ip xfrm monitor

sent from a tiny device

On 2013-06-20, at 7:38, Giovanni Carbone <G.Carbone at reitek.com<mailto:G.Carbone at reitek.com>> wrote:
Hello all,

Is there a way to trace the xfrm policy changes made by pluto?
I’m trying to use the --debug-pfkey switch (or plutodebug=”pfkey” in the ipsec.conf) but I don’t seem to get anything out of it.

Best regards,


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