[Openswan Users] High CPU usage (via ksoftirqd) when doing __xfrm4_find_bundle

Roberto Suarez Soto robe at allenta.com
Mon Mar 12 05:39:05 EDT 2012


	we've got a load problem in one of our IPSec gateways, running openswan 
1:2.6.28+dfsg-5+squeeze1 and kernel 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem (Debian Squeeze). The 
symptoms are high ksoftirqd CPU usage and network latency. Also, network load 
is not high, and we've already discarded problems with the NICs.

	After much searching and testing, we've seen that the culprit is the syscall 
__xfrm4_find_bundle, that occupies a big chunk of CPU when the problem arises. 
At first we thought the load was due to using 3DES extensively, and started 
migrating to AES-128; but today "perf top" shows clearly that the problem is 

	What is this syscall doing? Is there any way of making it ocuppy less CPU?

	Thanks in advance,

         Roberto Suarez Soto                             Allenta Consulting
         robe at allenta.com                                   www.allenta.com
                                                            +34 881 922 600

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