[Openswan Users] /etc/init.d/ipsec status : How to know if tunnels created are bidirectional!

Muenz, Michael m.muenz at spam-fetish.org
Tue Jan 31 02:38:13 EST 2012

Am 31.01.2012 07:45, schrieb satpal parmar:
> Hi All!
> I am facing a small problem. I have ipsec running on two Linux boxes.
> Now I want to connect them through ipsec tunnels. I build a small
> script for this as you have to type them every time  for a connection
> :
> #!/bin/sh
> service ipsec stop
> service ipsec start
> ipsec auto --add test
> ipsec auto --up test

Why don't you use auto=start?

> Now I want to know if there is guarantee these two tunnel
> bidirectional. Is it possible to have two unidirectional tunnel btn
> two two boxes? What is the correct I interpretation  this message from
> status.

With KLIPS you could do a ipsec eroute, grep the tunnel und check the state.

> Any suggestion on this automation of connection is welcomed

If there's no reason against keeping the tunnel always up, I would 
invest the time fixing this problem.


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