[Openswan Users] IPSec L2tpv3 throughput low using Netkey kernel stack

Vasanth Ragavendran ragavendrapec at gmail.com
Mon May 16 04:35:44 EDT 2011

Hi all,

My setup is as below I've two MPC8315E board from freescale connected as

PC1 ---- mpc board1 --- mpc board 2 ----- PC2.

I've installed openswan on the mpc boards for encrypting the data sent over
the link between mpc boards using IPSEC. I've l2tpv3 bridge between the mpc
boards so that both PC's can be in the same subnet. Now using l2tpv3 and
Ipsec the thruput is only 14.4Mbps tested using iperf and in tcp mode. I am
using the NETKEY kernel stack during Ipsec configuration, using a PSK method
and AES256-SHA1 cipher. I've complied the AES and SHA crypto API into the
kernel running the mpc boards. the kernel version being And it
looks like the hardware accelerator is not getting used or how do I check if
the hardware accelerator is getting used? Why is the thru put so low? With
just the l2tpv3 and no IPSec betn the boards i am able to get a thruput of
40Mbps with the rest of the settings being the same. I read somewhere that
OCF cannot be used with NETKEY and would the thruput be more if i use KLIPS?
if so how do i patch up the kernel with KLIPS. Also I had patched up the SEC
driver from the freescale website


when the Sec driver is configured as module into the kernel the module
doesn;t get inserted gives segmentation fault and if the Sec driver is
configured as non-module type the kernel doesn't bootsup at all! How do i
solve this situation? I'm desperately in need of some help as i've been
working on it to increase the thruput for a long time. Kindly help. Thanks a
lot in advance.

Thanks and Regards
R.Vasanth Ragavendran
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