[Openswan Users] Linux (debian lenny) client to Checkpoint Firewall NGx R65 using certificates - secureclient ok, openswan ko - PAYLOAD_MALFORMED

Ondrej Valousek webserv at s3group.cz
Thu May 13 03:35:12 EDT 2010

Hi Luca,

As I said, it has nothing to do with the kernel so at least the IKE 
stage should work on your debian, too - no need to install CentOS.
Please do:
1) plutodebug="control parsing controlmore" ,restart ipsec and send me 
the whole logs from the daemon start
2) Launch Dashboard monitor and check for any messages here (the attempt 
for the IKE connection from your Debian should be listed). If not, 
enable logging for this connection.
3) consider installing the latest HFA for your Checkpoint firewall, mine 
is running HFA 4.


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