[Openswan Users] How do I definitively tell openswan what interface I want to use?

Greg Scott GregScott at Infrasupport.com
Thu Jun 10 00:31:55 EDT 2010

Hopefully this is easy.  I have some bridged setups with ipsec tunnels
where device br0 has multiple IP Addresses.  When Openswan starts up, it
looks like it picks the first IP Address on the br0 interface to
announce what it's picking.  In case it picks wrong one of these days,
how do I tell it definitively which IP Address on which interface?  Or
is this just an opening announcement and I don't need to worry about it?


My conn definitions are good and this tunnel seems just fine from the
testing I've done so far.  In this case, the first IP Address on
interface br0 is the private one and I'm used to Openswan announcing the
public one.  


[root at audubon-fw1 ~]# service ipsec restart

ipsec_setup: Stopping Openswan IPsec...

ipsec_setup: stop ordered, but IPsec appears to be already stopped!

ipsec_setup: doing cleanup anyway...

ipsec_setup: Starting Openswan IPsec

ipsec_setup: multiple ip addresses, using on br0

[root at audubon-fw1 ~]#




-          Greg Scott

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