[Openswan Users] IKE SHA type question

Kevin White openswan-kevin at kevbo.org
Thu Jul 15 10:58:02 EDT 2010

I'm trying to set up a VPN between Openswan and a Cisco device.  I'm 
using Openswan 2.4.9.

The tunnel isn't coming up, but I have lots of things still to check. 
I've noticed one thing, and I'm curious if it is a problem:

000 "xxx":   IKE algorithms wanted: AES_CBC(7)_256-SHA1(2)-MODP1536(5), 
AES_CBC(7)_256-SHA1(2)-MODP1024(2); flags=strict
000 "xxx":   IKE algorithms found: 
000 "xxx":   ESP algorithms wanted: AES(12)_256-SHA1(2); flags=strict
000 "xxx":   ESP algorithms loaded: AES(12)_256-SHA1(2); flags=strict

Note that the ESP algorithms seem to match, but the IKE seems to have a 

This is wanted:


This is found:


I kind of thought those two things were the same, but they appear to 
look different...so I'm not sure if this means I'm getting stuck at IKE.

Is this a problem, or does it just look funny?

I'm here:

000 #6: "xxx":500 STATE_MAIN_I2 (sent MI2, expecting MR2); 
EVENT_RETRANSMIT in 11s; nodpd
000 #6: pending Phase 2 for "xxx" replacing #0
000 #6: pending Phase 2 for "xxx" replacing #0

but there can still be problems on the Cisco side: I don't control that 
side, and it might not even be configured for my connection yet.

So, at this point, my question really is: is that an IKE algorithm 
mismatch, or is it just cosmetic?



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