[Openswan Users] Openswan as modecfgserver?

Freeman Wang xwang at ubicom.com
Wed Sep 9 18:18:45 EDT 2009

Paul & Michael

Thanks for the help. Yes the servers pushes by default if
POLICY_MODECFG_PULL is not set while the client tries to pull and
confuses each other. I should have read demux.c first :) After adding
--modecfgpull to the server side, the two linux boxes can set up the
connection successfully. 

It would be great if the gateway can assign private IP addresses from a
pool to road-warrior clients. It would be even better if the
road-warrior can join the local subnet. Could you point me some
documents/code talking about how to add policies for an address poll?
Should I assume this pool of addresses must be in a different subnet
than the local subnet behind the gateway? I thought openswan is kind of
routed implementation and can not provide a similar feature as openVPN's
tap interface. 

By saying:
	We already have a virtual adaptor called ipsec0.

Do you mean with KLIPS, openswan can bridge the local subnet and
road-warriors? How about NETKEY?

By the way, we moved to a cisco vpn client and found the cisco client
asks too many private modecfg attributes which openswan does not
understand. Are there any options/policies we need to turn on to
inter-op with cisco clients? Any plan to do so?


| arrived in modecfg_inR0
| XAUTH: HASH computed:
|   10 0f eb 33  29 82 b6 46  7c b2 a8 ad  0e 41 e3 6e
|   98 36 bf bb
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS
|    length/value: 0
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK
|    length/value: 0
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_IP4_DNS
|    length/value: 0
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS
|    length/value: 0
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_ADDRESS_EXPIRY
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: APPLICATION_VERSION
|    length/value: 40
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28672??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28672?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28674??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28674?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28675??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28675?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28676??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28676?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28678??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28678?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28679??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28679?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28673??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28673?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28680??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28680?? received.
| ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
|    ModeCfg attr type: 28681??
|    length/value: 0
"road-warrior-host"[1] #1: unsupported mode cfg attribute
28681?? received.

-----Original Message-----
From: mcr at marajade.sandelman.ca [mailto:mcr at marajade.sandelman.ca] On
Behalf Of Michael Richardson
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:28 PM
To: Freeman Wang; users at openswan.org
Cc: Paul Wouters
Subject: Re: [Openswan Users] Openswan as modecfgserver? 

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Wouters <paul at xelerance.com> writes:
    >> It seems I can not make openswan to work with clients as a
    >> server. Is it supposed to work?

    Paul> Yes. we have testcases for it in testing/pluto/xauth*/*

    >> | p15 state object #1 found, in STATE_MODE_CFG_R1
    >> | processing connection road-warrior-host[1]
    >> | last Phase 1 IV:~ d8 3b 77 2d~ d6 49 fe 81
    >> | current Phase 1 IV:~ e4 46 51 94~ 73 5e 2b 22
    >> | computed Phase 2 IV:
    >> |~~ 13 5b bf cc~ e6 30 7a 93~ a5 69 37 61~ 1c 1d 10 1b
    >> "road-warrior-host"[1] #1: received MODECFG
    >> message when in state S
    >> TATE_MODE_CFG_R1, and we aren't xauth client
    >> | * processed 0 messages from cryptographic helpers
    >> ~
    >> A couple of questions:
    >> ~
    >> 1. Why the server tried to push IP settings? Shouldn't it wait
for the
    >> client to pull? What if the client side does not have modecfg
set? How
    >> can I stop that from happening on the server side?

    Paul> I am not sure.

a) modecfg was never standardized in IKEv1, so it's hard to say what is

b) having said that, the document says that the server pushes, I think.
   (the server knows the policy, not the client afterall)

c) Cisco clients and access servers do the opposite though.

There is a POLICY_MODECFG_PULL option, which you write as:

    >> 2. Why the internal IP4 address the server tried to push is the
    >> public IP 
    >> address of the remote peer instead of an 'internal' one?

I do not recall where the list of IP addresses to configure comes from.
Someone was going to write a proper interface to radius to get it all
done properly/sanely.   I think that without using pools, it just pushes
the "subnet" (usually /32) which the gateway's policy is configured for.

    >> 3. Does openswan support the idea of virtual adaptor? I thought
    >> remote must be in a different subnet, but modecfg seems to allow
    >> remote to join the local network.

We don't care.
We already have a virtual adaptor called ipsec0.

    >> 4. I couldn't find anything from the document about how to fine
    >> what is pushed to the client. Can I only push DNS stuff and avoid
    >> IP settings?

You would have to write some code to configure this, I think.
In general, in the client pull situation, the server only answers what
the client asked for.

    >> 5. What~kind of changes I need to do to~make modecfg to work with
    >> openswan boxes?

    Paul> Perhaps Michael can answer these questions beter then me.
Though have
    Paul> a look at the testcase configurations and see if those provide
    Paul> further 
    Paul> information.

It certainly has worked. 
I don't know if the current release passes the xauth-* pluto test cases.
The test cases are also detailed examples.

- -- 
]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |
firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net
] mcr at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device
driver[ ] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking,
security guy"); [

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Finger me for keys


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