[Openswan Users] Leopard IPsec initial test - failed

Nawaf B talda at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 8 14:10:20 EST 2008

Hello Pepijn Oomen:

I am abit puzzled with your post!

Leopard 10.5.2 is not allowing me to do the stuff you mentioned in  
your subject thread and IPSec is certainly not working for me.

I have a freshly installed Leopard Server and Client machine that is  
otherwise working just fine. Further more, IPSec with shared-key works  
fine without problems.

Can you please be kind enough to show me step-by-step how did you get  
Leopard to work with certificate based IPSec? I have contacted Apple,  
and they could not figure out what is going on (they raised the issue  
to T2 support), so, I am really curious how you got it to work.



PS my configuration is Leopard Server and Client 10.5.2

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