[Openswan Users] VPN tunnel established but could not transfer data for one roadwarrior setup and could transfer data for another roadwarrior setup

Alex Crow acrow at integrafin.co.uk
Mon Apr 7 04:21:27 EDT 2008

> My_Laptop(openswan-2.4.10_running_here_in_Suse_Linux_10.1_as_Client)--------------------Internet-------------------MyOffice_Hardware_Firewall-------------My_Office_LAN
> I am trying to connect my laptop as a roadwarrior to my office LAN
> which is behind Hardware Firewall.  I am able to establish tunnel
> between my Laptop and to my office Firewall. After the tunnel is
> established, if I ping from my Laptop to any one of the PCs in my
> office LAN, I am not able to ping to that PC (Infact it is the case
> for every PC). Here the Internet Service Provider for my Laptop
> connection is giving Local IP address like  This is the
> first scenario. I am giving here the ipsec.conf and ipsec.secrets for
> the first scenario
> Ipsec.conf file will be as follows:
> left=                         (Local IP Address assigned to
> my Laptop by one ISP)
> leftsubnet=           (Subnet of my Laptop)
> right=                       (Public IP or WAN IP of my
> office Hardware firewall)
> rightsubnet=          (Local Subnet of my office LAN)
> keyexchange=ike
> ike=3des-md5-modp1024
> auth=esp
> esp=3des-md5
> authby=secret

Do you have NAT traversal enabled? It doesn't seem so from this config.


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