[Openswan Users] Bug: Duelling tunnels in openswan-2.4.9-r1

Roland Plüss roland at rptd.ch
Mon Oct 22 14:17:32 EDT 2007

> this setup is wrong though. Two different laptops should use two different
> identifiers. You should have two conn's on the server side.
The wiki though says you can use the same connection for multiple road
warriors so you don't have to create a new connection definition for
each machine. How else are you supposed to have a scalable setup where
you don't know which machines connect ( hence you want the same VPN data
to be send to all machines without worrying about personalized files )?

> What do you intend to do when both are behind the same NAT router? They
> will have the same IP.
They are not behind a NAT router. Every machine has it's own unique IP.
> It's your setup that is flawed. Perhaps gentoo changed the default for
> uniqueids= in the config setup section? The default is "yes", which
> breaks your setup.
Could be possible. I'll check this one out.
> Paul
Yours sincerely
Plüss Roland

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