[Openswan Users] Permission denied on /proc/net/ipsec_* stuff

Mihajlo Cvetanović mac at netset.co.yu
Thu Jun 29 11:50:43 CEST 2006

Paul Wouters wrote:

>I have never seen this.
>Which kernel and which openswan versions are you using. Does the kernel
>do SElinux and is it disabled or enabled? If enabled, try disabling it,
>because no one has tested SElinux+openswan (not even redhat)
You're right, disabling SElinux does the job. Thanks.

BTW, is there a problem for a maillist server to add the Reply-To field 
into every mail? Not that it matters a lot, but I keep forgeting to use 
"Reply All" instead of "Reply", and the mail doesn't get to the list.

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