[Openswan Users] FW: Windows roadwarrior issues

Jacco de Leeuw jacco2 at dds.nl
Wed Jul 19 12:48:32 CEST 2006

Yiannis Mavroukakis wrote:

> Ok just thought I'd add a little extra to the merriment of issues :-). I
> setup my machine at home to test the Openswan installation and I found
> to my surprise that it connects succesfully..Where's the problem I hear
> you cry? Well..the problem seems to be that it bypasses the certificate
> authentication on Openswan (no connection comes up on the log!) and
> authenticates straight to the l2tpd daemon!!!

What is your machine at home running? Windows? How can it bypass IPsec?
Did you disable the automatic IPsec policy on it?

Jacco de Leeuw                         mailto:jacco2 at dds.nl
Zaandam, The Netherlands           http://www.jacco2.dds.nl

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