[Openswan Users] I can´t ping my private network

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Wed Dec 6 11:48:01 EST 2006

On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Fabio Ferreira wrote:

> I was trying to ping my private network, but I can't.
> My client is a Windows XP with service Pack 2. I try to use Lynsys Ipsectool and IPSEC.EXE...but with this two tools I get the same error.

I've had reports where installing ipsec.exe on SP2 broke things.
If possible, use a fresh install that didnt contain ipsec.exe

> Dec  5 16:17:19 frwmarkway pluto[23129]: | complete state transition with STF_OK
> Dec  5 16:17:19 frwmarkway pluto[23129]: "roadwarrior_secreto"[1] #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_R1 to state STATE_MAIN_R2

You logs were incomplete and did not show the problem. pleas DISABLE
plutodebug= and try again, then show us the log. Perhaps also enable
OAKLEY.LOG on Windows. I cannot see from this wether your ipsec part
works or not, or where the errors are.


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