[Openswan Users] Trouble with IPSEC Windows XP client to Openswan X509 VPN server (linux)

rturnbull ryan.turnbull at utilitran.com
Thu Aug 17 16:29:06 EDT 2006


I'm having tremendous trouble getting connections working from a window 
xp pro ipsec client to a freeswan VPN gateway.  I keep getting an error 
of INVALID_ID_INFORMATION.  I will attach my oakley.log from the windows 
xp machine and the ipsec.log from freeswan.  Any help would be greatly 
appreciated for this or if the recommendation is "don't use craptastic 
windows ipsec and key management" let me know what product I can use to 
make this connectivity work.

If you can even point me in the direction of documents that discuss this 
it would be greatly appreciated.

Ryan Turnbull
Network Administrator

Utilitran Corporation
Suite 250, 6815 - 8th Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta
T2E 7H7

Cell: 403-554-0455
Office: 403-301-3713 ext. 4452
Fax: 403-301-3716
Toll: 1-866-884-5487
Email: ryan.turnbull at utilitran.com
Mobile Email: rturnbull at telus.blackberry.net

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