[Openswan Users] Openswan 2.4.5 NAT-T and multiple conns

MarekGreško gresko at thr.sk
Tue Apr 18 12:30:36 CEST 2006

Dňa Po 17. Apríl 2006 01:32 Paul Wouters napísal:
> You are behind the same NAT'ed IP? The problem with openswan-2.4 is that
> once the IPsec connection is up between two IP's, no plaintext traffic is
> allowed between the two. So another device behind the same NAT will stop
> working.
> A work around for this is to add this connection to the server's end:
> conn letmypacketsgo
>         type=passthrough
>         left=yourpublicip
>         leftnexthop=yourpublicgw
>         right=
>         rightsubnet=
>         auto=ignore

Is it possible to use multiple plain IPsec roadwarriors behind same NAT 
gateway with openswan-2.4.4/NETKEY? Or is the previous workaround needed? Or 
it is concerned only to l2tp?


Marek Greško

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