[Openswan Users] problems with Multitech RouteFinder gateways

Leonardo Rodrigues Magalhães leolistas at solutti.com.br
Thu Oct 27 15:50:07 CEST 2005

Paul Wouters escreveu:

>>   When I tried using 'auto=add' to get openswan only responding and not
>>initiating connection, letting multitech initiate the tunnel i got several:
>>Oct 26 09:51:22 correio pluto[8519]: "brasilia" #4: OAKLEY_KEY_LENGTH
>>attribute not preceded by OAKLEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM attribute.  Attribute
>I suggest you report this to the vendor.
    I have done that. I sent multitech an email and i got a answer from 
their tech team in a couple of minutes, i couldnt believe that :) I have 
sent them tcpdumps and debug logs which will be forwarded to the 
engineering team.

    I have also figured that openswan and multitech RouteFinder works 
absolutely fine when 3DES is used. Seems the problem is only when an 
encryption algorithm with variable key size is used. In Multitech RFs 
case, AES is the only variable keysize algorithm allowed, so the problem 
relies on using AES.


	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
	gertrudes at solutti.com.br
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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