[Openswan Users] Drooping of return packets.

Vinod Chandran vinod_chandran at multitech.co.in
Thu Jan 20 13:44:40 CET 2005

> That all depends on how you load and/or start your connections, and when
> openswan starts.
    >>>>> Currently when we boot up our box, we bring up the interfaces 
and add specific routes for it.
                 Then IPSEC is started on all the interfaces, and then 
the connections are brought up. Till here the
                  routing table looks fine. Then when I ping from a node 
on the LAN side, at certain instances,
                  completely random, there are instances when the Kernel 
Routing Cache shows an entry for the specific
                  node with interface IPSEC0 instead of eth0 causing the 
ping to fail. This decision is taken at random.
                  Now if I restart IPSEC, it starts pinging since the 
entry now shows ETH0, instead of IPSEC0. Is this a
                  problem with how kernel routing cache learns, as if it 
was a problem with the routing table, it should
                  have occured everytime rebooting is done, which is not 
the case.

Thanks and Regards,
Vinod C

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