[Openswan Users] Windows 2000 RW behind a NAT Router

Ingo Bruell ibruell at gmx.de
Wed Apr 13 11:45:30 CEST 2005


i have tried to connect a Windows 2000 Roadwarrior that is connected via
a simple NATing router to the internet with a OpenSwan gateway that is
directly connected to the internet.

I always got messages like "INAVLID-INFORMATION" in the oakley.log.

Direct connected Windows 2000 RW are working well.

So my question: Is it possible to connect a Windows 2000 Roadwarrior
from behind a NATing router to OpenSwan ?

I am using openswan 2.2.0 from debian sarge

I have also tried to setup l2tp over ipsec but got the same errors.

best regards

Ingo Bruell

<ibruell at gmx.de>
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