[Openswan Users] Disable DPD

Ingo Bruell ibruell at gmx.de
Mon Oct 4 18:16:39 CEST 2004

Hello Paul,

PW> dpd  is  not  enabled or announced in 2.2.0 per default. So if you
PW> remove all the dpd*= options, you will have disabled it. (assuming
PW> the  other  end  won't  send  DPD  requests  when  the peer didn't
PW> announce it)

Hmm,  what  could  cause the tunnel shutdown. It looks like the client
initiates  the  shutdown.  There  is  no error in the log. The _updown
script is called (with "down-client").

best regards

Ingo Bruell

<ibruell at gmx.de>
<ICQ# 40377720>
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