[Openswan Users] OE on MDK Linux with 2.6 kernel

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Tue Dec 21 16:59:51 CET 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, Varga Pavol wrote:

> I have big trouble with establishing OE on 2.6 kernel and list archive

OE does not really work with 2.6's NETKEY because the NETKEY stack drops 
packets if a tunnel is not (yet) up. Since OE is very dynamic, it sets up
tunnels after a packet triggers it, this is a big problem.

> Please can someone help me how to establish OE on 2.6 kernel (MDK Linux
> 10.1)?
> Or is there any other way to establish IPSec - not VPN, because in our
> branches there are the same net ( and can't be split to
> smallers.

Are you sure you want or need OE?
If you just want branches to be conencted, you should use predefined tunnels.


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