[Openswan Users] method to determine if a tunnel is established ?

Laurent LAVAUD l.lavaud at auranext.com
Thu Dec 2 15:23:37 CET 2004

i would like to know which is the best method to know if a vpn is up or no ?
actually i have a script which check every X seconds output of the "whack --status" command and search for an IPSEC SA established corresponding to the tunnel name.
the problem is that i have a lot of tunnel and the output of the command is about 15000 lines, and it takes lots of cpu in order to analyze it...
a "whack --status --name tunnel_name" could be a good thing but dont exist...
is there any quick method  to determine if a specified tunnel is up or not ?


Laurent LAVAUD


l.lavaud at auranext.com


Tél.  01 41 40 25 40

Fax  01 41 40 25 41



202 quai de Clichy

92110 CLICHY

www.auranext.com <http://www.auranext.com/>  


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