[Openswan dev] [Openswan Users] Spam: Re: Spam: Re: WinXp l2tp over ipsec (fwd)

Paul Wouters paul at xelerance.com
Fri Apr 27 10:38:12 EDT 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:55:58 +0100
From: Bill Melotti <Bill.Melotti at cognitomobile.com>
To: Jacco de Leeuw <jacco2 at dds.nl>, users at openswan.org
Subject: Re: [Openswan Users] Spam:  Re: Spam:  Re: WinXp l2tp over ipsec


Your comment on KLIPS/PSK issues led me to this bug report


Whether it is linked to PSKs or Certs I don't know but I cannot believe
KLIPS never worked properly, so maybe.

Anyway hand patching this is to the code has now caused my l2tpd to
start responding. Its not working yet, which I suspect is l2tp config
issues, but this has resolved my issue.

Next job is to locate the fix for this bug if anyone has any


Bill Melotti
Network Operations Manager

V 01635-508200
F 01635-550783
E bill.melotti at cognitomobile.com

Cognito Ltd
Block 4
Benham Valence
RG20  8LU


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacco de Leeuw [mailto:jacco2 at dds.nl]
Sent: 26 April 2007 17:23
To: Bill Melotti
Subject: Spam: Re: Spam: Re: WinXp l2tp over ipsec

> Reason for address is simply because that is the subnet
> allocated behind the client NAT device (not a 192.168.x.x as strictly
> should be used.

You could run into problems. I see this range is allocated to Sun

> The comment ref nat traversal at the end are because for whatever
> the version of openswan (2.4.7) does not recognise nat_traversal in
> conf file, I have to put it on the command line (discovered this the
> other day, which was big leap forward)

I seem to have missed later attempts in your log which show that a
connection was actually set up. Sorry about that.

I must admit that I have not used KLIPS recently. I mostly use 2.6
kernels. Last time I used KLIPS it did *not* work with PSKs
when NAT-T was involved. Perhaps the Openswan developers have fixed it
by now. Otherwise you might have to switch to certificate

Perhaps the problem is in L2TP after all. Could you send me your
options.l2tpd and the l2tpd log file?

What distribution are you using?

> However there is a question over my version. When I run 'ipsec
> --version' I do not get 'Openswan-2.4.7' even though I have downloaded
> 2.4.7. I get something like 'cvsMar2002_....'

I saw this too with with an old Openswan version when I used KLIPS.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean.

Jacco de Leeuw                         mailto:jacco2 at dds.nl
Zaandam, The Netherlands           http://www.jacco2.dds.nl

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