[Openswan dev] KLIPS and Fedora kernels

Johannes Walch j.walch at nwe.de
Wed Sep 28 12:20:58 CEST 2005

Hi everybody,

I hope this is not misplaced at the develop list.

I have concluded some tests with the RPMS for the Fedora distribution 
from the openswan site. KLIPS does not work with FC4 kernels at all and 
it does not work with FC3 kernels > 2.6.11. Even with the 
2.6.11_1.35_FC3 kernel (last working) the machine completely crashes 
when a NAT-T connection is initiated.

To solve this problem I will compare the fedora kernel to the vanilla 
kernel and try to find out which modification causes the aformentioned 
problems by removing modifications from the fedora kernel until the 
errors are gone.

The post is basically to let you know I am on this and probably to 
synchronize results with other people.

johannes walch

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