Hi again list!<br><br><br>I've finally managed to make a working installation of openswan with certificates. But I'm missing something.<br><br>I'd like to give to each roadwarrior user a unique certificate, but ipsec.conf needs a leftcert or some statical cert file, but it just works with one roadwarrior user, right?<br>
<br>If I try to authenticate with a user with a different certificate than configured in ipsec.conf, I get this error:<br><br>"no suitable connection for peer"<br><br><br>Probably I must understand something with certificates, or it just work with one certificate for every "conn" config...I know I'm missing something , but just doesn't know what is it exactly.<br>
<br>I've read some documents of how to make differents certificates (with CA.sh or openssl), but every "newreq" gets a "newcert" when it gets signed, but moving it to the cert directory of ipsec doesn't do the trick.<br>
<br><br>Any link or enlightment is really aprecciated!<br><br><br>Cheers<br><br><br>Martin<br><br>