CentOS 5.3 x64, Linux Openswan U2.6.14/K2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 (netkey)<br>I searched google and couldn't really come up with an answer. It works great when I put my IP from eth0 as "left=" in the config, but
when I put left=%defaultroute like I'm supposed to be able to do, it
throws the error:<br><br>[root@testing ipsec.d]# ipsec whack --initiate --name testtun1<br>022 "testtun1": We cannot identify ourselves with either end of this connection.<br><br>ipsec.conf just has the default stuff, and my tunnel of /etc/ipsec.d/testtun1.conf was fully working when I used my real IP address. I want to be able to use %defaultroute for a dynamic IP.<br>
<br>Anybody got any ideas?<br>Thanks<br>-f<br><br>