# Conforms to second version of ipsec.conf specification: version 2.0 config setup # plutodebug = "all", "none" or a combation from below: # "raw crypt parsing emitting control klips pfkey natt x509 private": #plutodebug=control # This is the default, so it's not needed: #interfaces=%defaultroute conn Intranet # We use aggresive mode just as the LVC (Lucent VPN Client for # Windows) does (as per what we sniffed under Windows): aggrmode=yes # We use the transform we know the LVG (Lucent VPN Gateway) # accepts (as per what we sniffed under Windows): ike=3des-sha1-modp1024 # This is not necesary even though it's specified # as mandatory for this kinda config: #esp=3des-sha1 # We now set the lifetimes as high as possible (in fact, LVC sets them # to 240hs, as seen sniffing its negotiation under Windows): keylife=24h ikelifetime=24h # This is the default value so we don't need to set it: #type=tunnel # We need this as the LVG is configured for PSK (Pre-Shared Key): authby=secret # and we also need to disable PFS: pfs=no # *********** These are the paremeters for our own, local PC: left=%defaultroute # We need this as the LVG is configured for XAUTH (OpenSwan will # request us our username and password when bringing up the connection): leftxauthclient=yes # We need to get the config from the LVG, I don't know how LVC handles # this but I guess it's done by means of the 3 "ISAKMP Informational" # messages the LVC and the LVG exchange before the ones for Quick Mode. # Therefore, we configure our side to pull the configuration with below # two lines; we'll then have seven "ISAKMP Transaction (Config Mode)" # packets exchanged between us and the LVG that don't show up with the # LVC: leftmodecfgclient=yes modecfgpull=yes # We configure the same user ID the LVC does (as per what we sniffed # under Windows). Other values don't work so don't change it: leftid="!@#$%" # *********** These are the parameters for the remote end, the LVG: right=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD # If we want all the traffic sent out of our PC pushed into the tunnel, # we should configure this: #rightsubnet= # but as I just want to reach AAA.0.0.0/8, I configure this one only: rightsubnet=AAA.0.0.0/8 # Later releases of OSW support multiple subnets at once (this is 2.4.13): # rightsubnets="A.0.0.0/8 A.B.0.0/16 A.b.0.0/13" auto=add # Disable Opportunistic Encryption: include /etc/ipsec/ipsec.d/examples/no_oe.conf # Now, as the IP address for the LVG (AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD) falls into the same # subnet (AAA.0.0.0/8) we reach through it, its IP has to be "excluded" from # that subnet (this also applies if configuring "rightsubnet=" above). # So, we need to tell OSW (OpenSwan) to forward traffic to the LVG directly # out of our PC to our PC's default gateway: conn passthrough left=%defaultroute leftnexthop=%defaultroute right=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD # This is not needed but if it were, it should be: #rightsubnet=AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/32 type=passthrough authby=never auto=route # As per this three lines above, OSW will setup a route for the LVG # to our default gateway. It can be checked with "route -n" just after # we start or restart IPSec on our PC (with /etc/init.d/ipsec restart)