Hello,<br>As i am quite new to these Certificate Authority so i am facing quite a problem though the documenttion is quite explainable, <br>my problem is as...<br>lastly when i try to export and convert into p 12 format..its says<br>
<br>root@test:/usr/sslca# openssl pkcs12 -export -in newcert.pem -inkey newreq.pem -certfile demoCA/cacert.pem -out ca.p12<br><br>the output says..................<br>....................................................<br>
unable to load private key<br>...............................................<br>What does this means?, why is not able to load the pvt keys as i have it<br>aslo i have checked the process explained in forum, evry thing has gone in right way.<br>
<br>so plz,<br>let me proceed further with your invaluable help<br>with regards<br>creeds<br><br>