compile openswan in linux kernel,<br>the problem is the conexion sleep if i run command <br><br><br>service ipsec star in the two sides, the conexion pining, but no ping one hour and pining and not pass the ping. <br><br><div id="result_box" dir="ltr">
There is some command to keep alive the connection?</div><br><br>my files is:<br><br><br>config setup<br> interfaces=%defaultroute<br> # Debug-logging controls: "none" for (almost) none, "all" for lots.
<br> # klipsdebug=none<br> # plutodebug="control parsing"<br> nat_traversal=yes<br> #uniqueids=no<br> virtual_private=%all<br><br>conn roberto-walter<br> keyingtries=1<br>
#type=tunnel<br> authby=rsasig<br> #keyexchange=ike<br> #keylife=2m<br> #rekey=yes<br> compress=yes<br> left=<a href=""></a><br> leftsubnet=
<a href=""></a><br> leftid=@<a href=""></a><br> leftrsasigkey=0sAQOJ...<br> #leftnexthop=%defaulroute<br> #also=config-base
<br> right=<a href=""></a><br> rightid=@<a href=""></a><br> rightsubnet=<a href="">
</a><br> rightrsasigkey=0sAQOv0NN5hW...<br> #rightnexthop=<a href=""></a><br> auto=start<br><br>the other iqual but the configure and keys in their place.<br><br>the ipsec auto --status and
<br><br>000 #5: "walter-roberto":4500 STATE_QUICK_R2 (IPsec SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 28496s; newest IPSEC; eroute owner<br>000 #5: "walter-roberto" <a href="mailto:esp.f27346ba@">
esp.f27346ba@</a> <a href="mailto:esp.93f3b88@">esp.93f3b88@</a> <a href="mailto:comp.5314@">comp.5314@</a> <a href="mailto:comp.1bf3@">comp.1bf3@
</a> <a href="mailto:tun.0@">tun.0@</a> <a href="mailto:tun.0@">tun.0@</a><br>000 #4: "walter-roberto":4500 STATE_MAIN_R3 (sent MR3, ISAKMP SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 3295s; newest ISAKMP; lastdpd=-1s(seq in:0 out:0)
<br><br>is it lastdpd=-1s(seq in:0 out:0)????<br><br>THANKS!!!<br><br><br>